

Semper Vigilans - Always Vigilant

The United Nations Anomalous Materials Containment Agency (UNAMCA) is an autonomous UN-funded agency created in 1947 to investigate, secure and research anomalous artefacts and phenomena from around the world that could pose a risk to humanity.

Due to the need for secrecy and its requirements for international security, knowledge of its operations is limited to representatives of members of the United Nations Security Council who fund and staff the agency. Anomalous Materials (AMs) are categorised into four threat levels: low, moderate, high and civilisation threat.


  1. To identify and investigate AMs worldwide through UNAMCA Analysis and Investigative Divisions.
  2. To safely acquire AMs and prevent evidence of their existence from reaching the general populace through UNAMCA Responder Divisions.  
  3. To safely contain and monitor AMs, identifying risks to humanity and develop new technologies to assist the above goals through Containment, Research and Engineering Divisions. 

List of Currently Identified AM's
